Thursday, September 30, 2010

This is the beginning...

So this will be a short blog since i am sitting at the Sacramento Airport just waiting for the plane to start to board. It seems almost unreal that I am going to be leaving here for over a weak and making the trip back to Sacramento through all of those places and seen so much.  When asked if I am scared, I would say yes. This is a big deal for me and for moving forward. I am going to be doing something alone and for myself. Stopping when I want to stop and doing what I want to do and see. Its scary but also exciting. Its almost like an adrenaline rush that makes me want to do it even more.

So this begins the journey and the adventure. One flight out of three. I have a couple of longer layovers that will sure to invoke a blog or a short Facebook posting. I hope that I will be able to sleep on this plane ride since i was up all night getting ready and just the nerves and the excitement. So I'll be back in Indiana soon....

Until then,


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Close My Eyes

Sometimes I want to just close my eyes and make everything go away. Today at work, I find my mind wondering. Thoughts and ideas going through my mind like a flash of a camera flashbulb. Last week I was with a good friend at dinner and I sat there and just looked up from the food and for the first time I spoke, “I’m not afraid to be alone anymore.” It’s strange to hear those words come out of my mouth. I have been so co-dependant for years that I never have had the freedoms or the ability to responsible for myself. This has been such an adventure that I don’t even know how to describe what it feels like to find yourself almost 25 years later. I find that when I come home at night after work. I grab my mail and sit on the table and look out the window and just decompress from the day. It was hard at first to not have someone to talk to when I get home but as time goes by, I find myself not missing things that I once had.

I have some great people that are around me and I am very fortunate to find those people. I find myself getting reminded that I still have a lot of work ahead of me and lots of learning and healing to do. Different times and in different state of mind, things would be much different, though I am happy where I am at the moment. It’s living in that moment that scares me sometimes. It’s when you think about the future and try to anticipate the next move. That unfortunately is never the case. It will always change and all I can do it gather up the tools and the resources to carry with me. I am always reminded to tread the waters carefully and keep a mindful eye on the heart on my sleeve. Someday when the timing is right and when I am ready, love will happen. It’s not something to be forced or to be rushed.

One Step at the time.
There is a reward at the top full of beauty.
Just one more step and one foot infront of the other.

I have been going out for the last few weekends and it’s still a bit uncomfortable for me to be alone in a bar. I sometime find myself just finding a place and staying put for a few minutes to process everything around me. I am finding it easier to take the first step and just saying hello to people. It’s getting over that first step to find out so much about people. When I am out with friends, it’s so much easier to get introduced then to walk up to someone and introduce myself. It’s slow but happening more and more. I have to admit that I always run into at least someone I know.

While it’s nice to have that, I also have had to deal with the past when I am out. I had someone come up to me this weekend and told me that they recognized me and that we had talked in the past. He then said yeah you had a boyfriend and some friends said that you were cheating. I just looked at him and said I was single and that’s not the real person I am, and if you want to get to know me for more than that, I’m always up for a chat and grabbed my water and told him to keep that in mind and he just smiled and I walked away.

I know that I am going to run into that from time to time, but it’s taking a different approach and taking a higher road and something more respectable. I know that there are many people who will always see me in a negative light and that is unfortunate for them. I have a lot to offer and continue to try to better myself everyday. I have my faults but I also know that its time for me to show people who I am and what I really capable of everyday.

So on a lighter note, well somewhat lighter. The trip begins in only 10 more days. For the next week and half, I am going to be hitting the gym everyday to try to get buff and also to help clear my mind. I find that I am able to just zone out the world around me when I am running. I am going to really focus on the weight lifting and the chest, arms, and back these next two weeks. It’s so foreign to me but I have been doing my homework and getting some great workout tips from men’s health and through some friends.

There is beauty in the crash of a waves.
Each one is different and never the same.
Always coming back for more the ocean never stops.
Going to the gym when there is no one pushing you or having anyone to go with is very hard. There is so much strength in numbers and learning that through this. It’s always to blend into the crowd but its more rewarding leading the crowd and doing it for yourself. I use to be so scared to be getting the small weights at the gym to start my sets’ but I figure that it’s a process. You can’t just jump into the large weights unless you want to get hurt. I guess it’s very symbolic of relationships for me. While I know that I can go and lift the 100lbs, there is no reason to do that and get hurt and have to go back to lower weight. I keep my eye on the goal of being able to bench it but know there is no reason to fear it until I am ready to get to the 20lbs then 25lbs. It’s a process… and taking it everyday and each rep as a challenge to push myself and know that someday I can look back and see where I have been.

I am slightly nervous about everything when I get home. It seems like every time when I am in Indiana, it starts to feel like less and less of home. Things become distant memories and each time I find myself thinking that I am growing away from the place. It has a place in my heart but no longer my home. It’s just a place of memories. I know that this will be very short time spent actually in Indiana. I am looking at just two days before heading out on this trip that will sure to have so many memories and eventful times.

I am hoping to video blog about it and have some pretty amazing pictures to share with everyone on the trip. This is a new beginning and something that will test myself and an opportunity to be comfortable with me. Just me, my iPhone, iPod, and SAM. SAM is the name of the car in honor of my dad. Steven Anthony Mangona. This is a road trip to find peace in it all and the closure I need to move forward.

This may be the most documented trip of my life. I have my video camera, two digital cameras, my iPhone, and my Computer. I plan on using it all when I am traveling. One thing that I also am doing when I am home is posing for a friend. I have not had my picture taken professionally since I was senior in high school. I was hoping to me in much better shape then what I am in at the moment but still am down a lot of weight since before the breakup. I hope this week to just get a little more of the way to where I want to me. I am excited and scared but know they are going to turn out amazing; it will be good to be comfortable again with me. This trip is about bettering Benjamin. That’s the goal. Getting back to Sacramento and know who I am, and feel good about the person I am. I am already on the path just an always ongoing forward moving trail.

So there is a lot on my mind. I got so many fears but know that it will be calmed when I am on the plane heading home and finding that inner-peace on the interstate.

Next Adventure after the road trip… Skydiving. More to come later. One adventure at a time….

Sunday, September 5, 2010

...see the new day dawn

Happy Labor Day,

I guess with the little bit of downtime, I wanted to get a blog out and just take an inventory of where I am. It’s been a few months and things have calmed down to a certain extent. As far as work, things have been going pretty good. We are in the process of hiring new staff. This month we will be adding about 5 new staff members and it will be nice to get some fresh blood in the hotel and maybe shake up a few things. We are heading on company outing this week to explore the underground Old Sacramento. It will be nice change to get everyone away from the hotel for just a few hours.

My apartment is slowly coming together. I have had some great people that have helped me gather things and items for the apartment. I have a couch and a love seat and just acquired a new bar table and chairs. It’s actually very nice to sit and eat breakfast or dinner and look out over the street and people watch. I haven’t hung anything up on the walls but my goal is to use pictures from the road trip to decorate my apartment. I do want to get a new bed soon as well. I refer to my bed as a racecar bed because it does have wheels on it because it’s a rollaway. I am hoping to get a few big items for my self after thanksgiving. I want to conquer black Friday.

I have been hit and miss on working out. I had a few of really good weeks where I was making it to the gym about 4-5 times a week. I have been a little spottier with work and the holiday and having some issues with my foot from my bike. I was talking to a good friend and decided that I need to get to road running and attempt a mini marathon. I was looking online and found a few 5Ks and 10Ks that would help train me for a half. It would be a lot of hard work but I think that it would help clear my head and get me back into the swing of things. This week I need to step it up and going to hit it hard, within reason of course, but get a few really good workouts before heading home.

Mentally, I am doing actually really well. I have had some really mentally straining events over the last week, but I think that I am handling it well. I got some great people in my life right now. It’s scary when I go out and hope that I will run into people that I know and that I will have a good time. It’s the biggest challenge for me to just go out and talk to new people. It’s a hurdle I am trying to still get over. As outgoing and friendly person as I am most of the time. I get into situations and it’s hard for me to get the courage to talk to new people. It’s a work in progress but something that with time will get much easier. Take a challenge and face it and make a goal. I try to at least talk to one new person every time I go out. And more than just a “hey, how are you,” but a real conversation.

Dating and Relationships… This one is a tricky one. I know that I am trying to make sure that take things slow and just enjoy the moments. I don’t want to rush into something but I am really enjoying getting to know people and find myself smiling a lot more lately. Just living each day and taking it day by day. As far as other relationships, I am glad to have some great friendships with people close and far from me. I found that I have reconnected with a lot of old friends and made some of those old ties even stronger. Its nice to have people who have known me for years but distance makes it hard, but also nice to get a hug when you really need it from new friends that I hope to keep with me for a very long time.

I guess this would be the same area to talk about family. I haven’t been in touch as much as I was in the past with my family. I know that I should pick up the phone and call more often, but I do check-in from time to time. This whole estate has been a lot of stress on my family. I know that I haven’t really been there to help out, but know that there isn’t much that I can do and the less hands in the cookie jar the easier it will be. For me I was hoping to come home in October and it all been done and then we can move on from there. It doesn’t look like that will happen but I just want to have that burden lifted off my shoulders and shoulders of the family. It made me realize how important having a Will and keeping it updated. The moment I buy a house and have property I would get one in place incase of the unforeseen to make sure that I looked out for the people around me.

So I am much stronger person for everything that happened. I have closed the door on a lot of loose ends and continue to do so everyday. One battle and one demon at a time until the clutter is removed. This month I will be getting my medical and dental arranged and know that there is some work to be done. It won’t be a fun road and going to the dentist after over 10 years, I am not looking forward to the outcome, but I know it’s needed and who knows, maybe ill get some laughing gas out of the situation.

Fears left at the door, regretting none, I move forward. More humble and sometimes shaky I know that I am moving onward. It’s been an adventure and more is still yet to be written. I look forward to what life has to offer and seeing things in a new light.

“And when the night has finally gone.

And when we see the new day dawn.

We'll wonder how we wandered for so long, so blind.

The wasted world we thought we knew,

The light will make it look brand new.

Light- Next to Normal

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Goals and Desires

Goals and Desires

For a short moment I though that I was going to call it an early night and get to bed early. It’s funny though when you are laying in bed and thoughts just begin to run through your head that you can’t close your eyes hard enough to make it slow down. I began to think about so many different things. One of those things was my future.

Now I know there is much truth in living in the moment. I myself am learning to do this more and more everyday. It’s hard to let the reins go and just let life happen. I think that is a very important part of life. Going on a shopping trip for one things and ending up with something complete different. That is what life is about. Its taking the moments and smiling because as much as you want to think you know where and what you want, life has its ways of giving you what you need.

I never thought by the time I was 24 years old, I would have lived in Hawaii and now calling California my home. But again, life happens right? I am not sad for the hardships or hold grudges on the people of my past. Rather, I move forward with something new and different outlook on things. I never knew my strength until I was tested. It would be easy to give up and throw in the towel, but that is not me at all. I have run from fears and hid behind masks. It’s a new life now though. I find myself thinking about things that I want in life more and more each day.

While I am moving forward, I am still trying to finish things from my past. One of the most important things for me to finish now is school. No more excuses for not finishing. It’s not going to be easy. I know that going into it, but know it will be worth it in the end. I have decided that I will be doing just a few classes at the community college in January and then go to full time status the following semester. It is my goal to be enrolled in Sac State the following year and finishing up my degree. One step at a time and day by day…

When it comes to my career I can say that I am not sure where it will lead me. There options are endless. I want to continue to push onward and move back up the ladder. I am going to put in my time doing the hard shifts now and make the sacrifices so that someday in the near future I will have the freedom to do more, not only at work but also outside work. Ultimately I would love to take over a large full service hotel and also try my hand with luxury hotels and resorts but that will come with time.

Being gay, I have been asked how I feel about marriage and kids. It’s an easy answer for me. I can tell you that yes, I want to be married and have kids. Most people dream about their wedding and I can say that even I have thought about what kind of wedding I would want and also some of the details for the big day. A couple of thing about the wedding I can say that I want stargazer lilies and Casablanca Lilies. I have always loved the look of the stargazers and the smell of the Casablanca lilies is heavenly. It also will be very formal of a wedding. I know that I want something that will be unforgettable and in true Ben fashion something of a spectacle.

The rest of the wedding is very much depending on guy that I end up giving my hand to and pledging to spend the rest of my life with. I think between the two of us the rest of that day will just fall into place and be something that people could only dream of.

On the issue of children, something that many people don’t know about me is that when I started college my original major was pre-medicine and I wanted to work as an ER doctor in a children’s hospital. I have always wanted children. I loved teaching the Half-note kids in show choir and helping coaching the younger kids in soccer. There is something special and magical about a child’s smile and the quest for discovery. I remember how amazing it was to have Jordin, my first nephew born. I loved him and knew from that moment on that someday I would love to give love to a child and give him an environment to learn and grow and take those lessons and conquer the world.

Now there is a big hurdle when it comes to children between two men. I have always thought that I would adopt a child. It would be a second chance at life for a child. I could never imagine paying someone to carry a child when there are so many children that are in need of loving families and who want some to love them. I would be honored and humbled to bring someone in and give him or her love in a way that will help them grow. Someday there will be someone will be calling me Dad and who I will be there for forever.

On a lighter note, I would also love get back to the basic of things that really makes me happy. I miss two things in my life. Soccer and Theater. Both are things that I plan on working on this year. I want to get my refereeing licenses again, and also join an open league in the spring. I am hoping to get in much better shape before then and so when I step back on the field I won’t feel like I am going to die from exhaustion.  Who knows if I still got it in me but there is only one way to find out. I am pretty sure that refereeing will come back to me like riding a bike. I enjoy that moment on the field and being part of the game. It helps develop sportsmanship when you play and respect for what they do. If you ever think that they are doing a bad job then get on the field and give it ago.

In regards to theater and singing, I would love to get back on the stage and do a show or two. I miss the feeling of a spotlight following you and the lights that seem to create a glow that my skin just soaks up. There is something magical about theater. Acting provides the ability to be someone else for a moment and live a role that is used to tell a story. The thrill of live theater is something that is unmatched and a high that I can’t even begin to describe.  It’s a big part of my life and something that I have but on the backburner for long enough.

So there is an insight on a few of my goals and desires in life. I just was singing this song this week and I think that I agree with the lyrics. Bonus points awarded if you know this song and the movie it comes from!

Open up your eyes, take a look at me
Get the picture fixed in your memory
I'm driven by the rhythm like the beat of a heart
And I won't stop until I start
To stand out
To stand out

Some people settle for the typical thing
Livin' all their lives waiting in the wings
It ain't a question of "if", just a matter of time
Before I move to the front of the line

Once you're watching every move that I make
You gotta believe that I got what it takes
To stand out, above the crowd
Even if I gotta shout out loud
'Til mine is the only face you'll see
Gonna stand out ...

'Til ya notice me

If the sqeeky wheel's always gettin' the grease
I'm totally devoted to disturbing the peace
And I'll do it all again, when I get done
Until I become your number one
No method to the madness, and no means of escape
Gonna break every rule or bend them all outta shape
It ain't a question of "how", just a matter of when
You get the message that I'm tryin' to send
I'm under a spell, I'm in over my head
And you know I'm going all the way to the end
To stand out, above the crowd
Even if I gotta shout out loud
'Til mine is the only face you see
Gonna stand out ...
'Til ya notice me

If I could make you stop and take a look at me
instead of just, walkin' by
There's nothin that
I wouldn't do if it was gettin' you to notice
I'm alive
All I need is half a chance,
a second thought, a second glance
To prove, I got whatever it takes

It's a piece of cake

To stand out, above the crowd
Even if I gotta shout out loud
'Til mine is the only face you'll see
Gonna, stand out, staaaand out

Stand out!
ya, ya, ya, ya,
Stand out!
'Til mine is the only face you'll see
Gonna stand out

'Til ya notice me